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About the LPN Refresher Course
Our LPN Refresher Course is Approved by Connecticut State Department of Public Health.
This course is designed to help inactive or non-licensed LPNs review and update their nursing knowledge and clinical skills.
The course is offered as a self-paced online learning experience, including but not limited to, background and historical information, interactive modules, online resources and case reviews, additional links and articles, comprehension quizzes, online discussion groups, and the Final Exam.
The course has been designed by Expert Nurse Educators to ensure your absolute success in the course AND after the course.

Admission Requirements
The PN refresher course considers enrollment from prospective participants in the following circumstances:
Formerly licensed LPNs who wish to reapply for their nursing licensure.
Currently licensed LPNs who desire to refresh their knowledge or skills in the profession, due to time away from
A nurse who has been directed by the State Board of Examiners for Nursing (BOEN) to complete a refresher course
Graduate Practical Nurses who have successfully completed an LPN education program however have not yet
successfully completed the NCLEX-LPN exam. Admission for this participant is accompanied by the requirement that s/he must successfully complete the NCLEX-LPN exam prior to receiving approval to begin the clinical component of the course.
Conditional Admission
Admission to the clinical portion of the refresher course is conditioned on the results of the background checks.
If a prospective participant has been convicted, pled guilty or no contest to, or received a suspended imposition of sentence for a felony or other criminal offense, the participant is advised it may not be possible to be accepted into the refresher course at ReNurse Academy.
Participants may be denied reinstatement from their state Board of Nursing, from taking the required licensure exam, and/or may be prevented from gaining employment in the field of nursing.
NOTE: Prospective participants whose background search indicates a prior felony conviction may not be admitted to the refresher course.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant will have an understanding of, and be capable of discussing and demonstrating the following course objectives:
Review the current role of an LPN according to the State Nursing Practice Act.
Review current philosophy, social and economic trends, and objectives in nursing today.
Review previously acquired nursing knowledge and clinical skills.
Understand the function of the LPN in evaluating patient needs and in planning individualized care.
Review and increase knowledge of selected medical and surgical conditions, therapies and procedures,
current diagnostic and treatment measures and patient care needs.
Demonstrates knowledge and safe administration of medications and treatments.
Discuss current management concepts utilized in the following areas:
o Basic Concepts in Nursing
o Nursing Concepts and Challenges in Clinical Practice
o Concepts in Clinical Practice and Related skills
Course Start Date
This program is ongoing. Participants may apply at any time.

Theory Component
120 Theory Hours
The theory component is organized into ten (10) Major Instructional Units, a Medication Calculation Exam, and a Virtual Skills Lab.
After successfully completion, the participant will be awarded 120 theory hours.
Continuing into the clinical component of the course is only granted upon successfully completing the theory component of the course.
If you are interested in the Theory Only course click the link below for more information

Clinical Component (INCLUDED)
80 Clinical Hours
Your Clinical Placement is included in your course fee. Thats right, you do not have to find your own clinical facility or instructor. Our Clinical Coordinators will find you the right clinical facility and experience instructor.
Clinical experiences can be held in various clinical settings including but not limited to nursing homes, hospitals, surgery centers, urgent care centers, rehabilitation centers, adult daycare facilities, home health or hospice agencies.
Enrollment in the clinical portion of the course requires success completion of all required theory hours and content, 4-hour hands on skills lab, and Pre-clinical requirements through Castle Branch.
You get to pick and schedule your own clinical hours. The Clinical experience must be completed within 8 weeks of starting the experience. Only under unusual circumstances will this time period be extended. Should such an extension become necessary, it must be agreed upon in writing by the Clinical Instructor, the Course Coordinator, and the Nurse Refresher Participant.
If you are only interested in taking the Clinical Component of the Course click the link below for more information.
Required Clinical Hours
A minimum of 80 clinical hours is required for course completion.
When required, a limited license must be obtained from the Connecticut State Department of Public Health during the clinical component of the refresher course that allows nursing practice only under the direct personal supervision of a licensed registered nurse identified as the clinical instructor. The limited license is only valid for a specific time period and may not be used for gainful employment.
Clinical Plan and Pre-Clinical Requirements
Participants that elect to complete only the theory portion of the course will not need to submit the above pre-admission or pre-clinical requirement. However, these applicants must submit a copy of a government issued identification card with the enrollment application.
When preparing for clinical, the participant must submit the following required documents and allow at least two (2) weeks for the documents to be approved and for the participant to receive an approval to attend the clinical portion of the course.
The following pre-clinical requirements must be uploaded and approved to the participants Castlebranch account in order to received approval for clinical.
Copy of Government issued photo identification card (submitted with application)
FBI Background Check with Fingerprinting (completed with application)
Online Background Check (completed with application)
Completed ReNurse Academy provided Physical Form
Multi-Waiver Release Form
1. Measles (Rubeola) Immunity
2. Mumps Immunity
3. Rubella (German Measles) Immunity
4. Varicella Immunity
5. Hepatitis B Immunity or Waiver
6. TB skin test or (Chest X-Ray)
7. Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Immunity
8. Influenza Vaccination – required during flu season October – March
9. Proof of COVID Vaccination prior to clinical experience start date. NOTE: The current State Executive Order requires healthcare workers to be vaccinatedCPR Certification for the Professional Rescuer / Health Care Provider
Proof of Personal Health Insurance Coverage
Professional Liability Insurance (included in course fee)
Drug Screening (12 panel – current within 3 months of beginning clinical)
Temporary Permit or Limited License (when required)

Payment Plans
Payment Plans are available. All Payments must be made in full prior to starting your course.title
3 Installments
Course Cost
The program cost for the LPN Refresher Course is $2,100.00. This fee includes:
Course Books and Materials
Clinical Placement
Nurse Liability Insurance
ReNurse ID Card
Nursing Skills lab
Skills Lab Fees
Test Proctoring and Monitoring
Correction of exams
Supervision and
Coordination of the Course -
Program Advising
Record keeping
Postage and handling for initial and regular course materials/communication
Certificate of completion
Course Completion
The theory portion of the course is self-paced. Once enrolled, the participant has nine (9) months to complete the LPN Refresher Course. If the course is not completed within the nine (9)-month deadline, participants may purchase a one-time extension for $300. The extension adds three months for course completion resulting in the course being completed by the twelfth (12) month. A request to extend must be received within thirty (30) days of the course end date.
After this period of time, re-enrollment with payment of the program fee and background check is required.
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